Wednesday, October 27, 2010

MAX DL/SQUAT 10/27/10

I love almost passing out and forgetting where I am for 2 seconds. Looped Band Deficient DL 345 BW and around 250 estimated BT at the top. Feels around 550ish give or take at the top. 30 pd increase since last time.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

10/20/10 MAX DL/S

Sorry i haven't been posting for the few people who check this lazy as balls. So lazy I wont post any of my workout today besides my new PR. I can safely say I have a 500 pd pull now. I made it. Now i need a 600. Im so glad my dl is gonig up by the week.....but my squat fucking sucks asshole. so annoying.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

10-14-10 Max Bench

dont feel like blogging progress, nothing too special. maxed bench at 315 and failed a 325. Once and a while a bad day doesnt bother me. Jeff pulled off a 335 though which is great. Took video of battle ropes today.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Death by Prowler.

pushed the prowler today. it was honestly the most humbling thing ive done endurance wise. It literally made me its bitch. pushed it up with the low handles and back with the up and down bars in 4 laps. Ive never truly wanted to die after conditioning work, but honestly i almost hurled. Its going to be an every wednesday thing. My legs felt like they were tenderized with a mallet. The we did bis traps calves and more abs. I was talking to a lot of troopers at my internship today about academies and they said i should make sure i got a 4 mile run before going in. fuck cardio. fuck running. but the sad thing is ill have to start doing that soon after my meet. im going to continue with westside probably forever no matter what. yeah ill probly shred up from the cardio, but id rather not. bulk life.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

10/12/10 MAX DL/SQUAT


Warmup bar and bands x 10


135 x 2
155 x 2
175 x 2
225 x 1
245 x 1
265 x 1
295 x 1
315 x 1


225 x 2
245 x 2
275 x 1
295 x 1
315 x 1
335 x 1


135 warm up
225 x 2
245 x 2
265 x 2
295 x 2
315 x 1
325 x 1
345 x 1
365 x 1
(cut it early)


45 x 10
55 x 10
65 x 10
75 x 10
85 x 10


135 x 10
155 x 10
175 x 10
195 x 10
215 x 10

ABS 3 x 20 sit ups

So my squat was low today, mainly because of the agonizing shit we did before hand. We had quite a brisk of creativity as you can see below, utilizing looped bands for both deadlift and rack pulls. We wanted to find a way to deficient the deadlifts as well so we pinned the weight and added a platform with gave us a 1 1/2 negative. All pull exercises went phenomenal. The rack pull set up is some hood shit, using the pins from the smaller rack to tension the bands. My good morning weight on my last set was 20 pds heavier than my last set last week. Also we just keep on tossing more 10s on the leg curl as well. Really slammed lock out work today. At full extension lock out with the looped bands it was like prying out of my fingers. Shits excellent. Gonna need new bands soon, but aw well. Ordered a 35 pd kettlebell from my gym owner today discounted as well.

Enjoy the pictures and videos:

banded rack pull set up

deficient banded deadlift set up

Deficient looped monster mini DL 295 bar and an assload of band tension

Deficient looped monster mini DL 315 bar and an assload of band tension

AND A SPECIAL TREAT, I GIVE YOU: How not to leg press at Bodymax

Monday, October 11, 2010



Warmup 10 x bands and bar

Dynamic Bench

3 x 3 monster minis + 135pds
5 x 3 monster minis + 155pds

2 Board Press

275 x 3
295 x 3
315 x 3
335 x 2
345 x 1

Shoulder Press Barbell standing

10 x 135 pds
8 x 135 pds
8 x 135 pds
7 x 145 pds
6 x 145 pds

Pull ups (body weight of 224)


WOW. Holy improvement. My speed work is getting so much easier so we bumped up the weight. I reached a higher weight with 2 board then i did with 3 board the past few weeks and my shoulder press is gradually becoming so much easier. As of last week I switch protein from cytogainer to nitrean. This has not even close tot he amount of carbs, calories and protein I was taking in post workout. Since switching I gained 5 pds as of last weeks weigh in. I have forever been in a 220 or under stall since my surgery. Talk about quality ingredients. I have a feeling its a mix of that as well as my westside routine. Everything is going up every week. Smash weight.

Friday, October 8, 2010


Dynamic DL

185 w/ monster minis 8 x 3

Dynamic Squat

185 w/ monster minis 8 x 2

Coan single leg press

3 x 8 w/ 90 pds

2 x 8 w/ 110 pds

45 degree back raises

5 x 10 w/ 25 plate


crunches and sit ups

Today was an excellent improvement from the last speed day. Squat form was great today. Kicked the bands back a bit and it was a noticed improvement. Movements were extremely quick today and it was nice to get some more quad movements in this week. It was a first time with the Coan presses. Gives me a great stretch in the hamstring and I feel its really going to help my flexibility and even raise my squat with continued work.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

MAX DL/SQUAT 10/5/10


Max Squat

Warmup 135

2 x 215
2x 225
2x 245
1x 265
1x 285
1x 315
1x 335
1x 355
1x 375
1x 405

Max DL

1x 225
1x 275
1x 315
1x 365
1x 385
1x 405
1x 425
1x 455
1x 475
1x 485
1x 495

Good Mornings 5 sets 135-195

leg curls 45-60


Today went pretty well. My DL is constantly going up and im making great progress. Since I dropped the straps my forearms/grip is skyrocketing. Granted im 15 pds off of my 500 max.....but before I was pulling all maxes with straps. Now they dont even see the light of day. My squat is sitting at 405, Id like to see some more progress in that. Gotta access my weak points. I took video of my last 2 sets of DL. The 485 came up relatively easy. I got stuck on the 495 and once my form broke halfway through it flopped. Going for a 490 max next week. Pretty sure ill definitely get it. Im in a great spot 8 weeks out from my meet. I plan on opening around 485-495 and putting 20 increase up each lift. Looking at my vid it shows I need some lock out work for max situations so ill add more of that. My off the ground is so much quicker. Anything over 465 would take forever for me to pull off the ground. I can thank deficient deads for that.

Monday, October 4, 2010


Dynamic Bench

Warm up- monster mini bands 10 reps

2x3 reps 135 +monster minis
3x3 reps 155 +monster minis
3x3 reps 165 +monster minis

Board Press
3 board

1x3 225+monster minis
1x3 255+monster minis
1x2 275+monster minis
1x1 285+monster minis
1x1 295+monster minis

Shoulder press

8,7,6,6,8 of 135 pds

Kroc Rows (strapless)
1x10 95 pds
4x8 105 pds

Saturday, October 2, 2010

video from friday

some dynamic box squats and bolt thrower. boring video but whatever. doing this light speed work doesn't feel like shit when i do it....but im starting to wreak of the benefits and its only week 2. oh yeah and this is my bands setup until i get new squat bands.

got some feedback from my friend lones regarding the band setup and its affect on my form. I need to roll them back on the bar a few inches cause its keeping me from dropping back far enough.

"Nice work. Here's what I saw:

Scoot those bands back a little bit so you can sit back more, they're pulling you a little forward

Arch more from the start...try to touch your traps to your ass

Sit back just a tad more from the get go, and push your hips back. You'll activate the muscles of your posterior chain even more, and they'll be even faster"